Empowering Firstline Workers with Microsoft Teams - The TechnomaX Systems Way Back

11 May 2023
Your frontline staff members are essential to the success of your goods or services because they influence the bottom line, shape the client experience, and represent your company. However, we frequently observe businesses preventing these employees from benefiting from the move to a Digital workplace. We identified a significant gap and hence a significant potential to integrate these workers into your most popular digital solutions, such as Microsoft 365. Giving them access to an online identity opens the door to greater collaboration and communication, which will definitely enhance your revenue.
Get your frontline staff into the cloud if you work in a sector like construction, retail, healthcare, long-term care, manufacturing, or hospitality.
The days of scheduling by phone, sending texts, and posting work schedules in the break room are long gone. Instead, implement strategies like giving your frontline staff access to Microsoft Teams to boost employee engagement levels and customer satisfaction. Your team will work more effectively and quickly than ever before if you use technologies like bookings and shifts to automate routine procedures, provide your staff access to corporate information at their fingertips, and make use of productivity apps and analytics. Even better, you can accomplish it safely using Microsoft Cloud’s resources.

What Microsoft Teams Can Do?

If you actually think about what Microsoft Teams can do technologically and break it down, all of the other Microsoft 365 apps that sit below Teams are what gives it its power.
For instance, in telehealth. We've observed doctors using a feature in Microsoft 365 called Bookings to schedule appointments. The Microsoft Teams call is obviously how the actual visit takes place. Additionally, Shifts for Teams, a feature of Teams, is used internally at the hospitals to schedule employees' shifts and responsibilities.
It's really not just intended for what we refer to as knowledge workers and information workers; it's increasingly turning out to be the best option for many of our front-line coworkers as well.

Burst Communication with Walkie-Talkies Enabled

There is also the return of the walkie-talkie feature with Teams. With chats, we can have brief exchanges of words: Someone types, you read it; you type, and it replies. Calling, on the other hand, does not really support burst communications. Someone won't give you a call, say, "Hey, Alexa," and then hang up. It's therefore more asynchronous. Consider it to be asynchronous burst communications. And a walkie-talkie can be useful in that situation.

Educating a Frontline Employee and Using the Correct Technology

First and foremost, we must consider that, in addition to what we do as knowledge workers, our frontline worker colleagues have unique use cases. Therefore, the first element of success is to consider their use cases in their environment before determining which Teams skills can help. Of course, you should give them that.
Second, consider how we can promote adoption. Technology is fantastic, as we all know, but changing people is the hardest thing to do. The secret is to truly define these new methods of working and involve the right frontline managers and champions in the process.
In the end, you can gain support if you can show and demonstrate that it makes their duties easier to perform and, more crucially, that adopting its real usage is simple.
The excellent mobile app for Teams is yet another positive development. We are aware that our frontline employees are most likely using their phones instead of laptops. This minimal entrance hurdle is made possible by Teams' mobile app availability. The next step they need to take is to really give it meaning.